I began my working life in customer facing roles with NAB and St George Bank and in sales with Ticketmaster7 before moving into the education sector where I contributed high-quality leadership to organisational learning and development for over two decades. A recognised leader, I have held several senior management roles, including Academic Dean (Tertiary) and School Principal (P-12). My board membership experience has included several community and non-profit organisations, as well as university academic councils and a regional vocational trade training centre.
I embody twenty years of valuable wisdom in leading both people and change in the Catholic, government and non-profit sectors throughout Australia with a breadth of experience in education and training, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, providing practical solutions to problems, conflict resolution, stakeholder management, program planning and implementation, networking, advocacy, as well as public speaking & presenting.
A major focus over many years has been leading and guiding the transformation of 'places' of learning into high-quality learning 'cultures' by prioritising the learner experience, identifying efficiencies and building employee capacity to enable equitable access, optimal achievement, holistic development, and success for most.
People have affirmed and appreciated the synergy created through my natural talent for cooperative interaction, influential engagement and my guidance of the energy of a group. These, coupled with my analytical rigor and curiosity, allow for the discovery and successful navigation of 'through-paths' for the most critical of challenges.

Led the implementation of change projects to leverage continuous school improvement by building collaborative expertise and professionalism with staff, and consultation with parents, students and community stakeholders in a rural Victorian Department of Education P-12 school (with high disadvantage data).
Led the design, development, and monitoring of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) initiative and the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework implementations at a DET school.
Led projects to optimise the learner experience at a residential college of the University of Melbourne, in wellbeing, academic performance and business operations (including human resources, facility management and community engagement).
Designed and facilitated consultations using collaborative engagement processes with three learning organisations in Victoria enabling discernment of their ‘why’, and subsequent development of their vision and mission frameworks to align with strategic goals.
Designed and led leadership development programs for youth leaders in Victoria and NT, including one to one and team coaching, personal development, community outreach and team building.
Collaborated with professionals, local elders and community members to improve the learning outcomes of children in a remote aboriginal community in WA.
Lived in community with women at Bethlehem Community Inc - a provider of supported accommodation for women at risk of homelessness with high-level complex needs, such as mental and physical conditions, substance issues, extreme poverty, family violence and other forms of violence.
Rachel holds a Master of Education (Leadership & Management) from the University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Psychology and History, a Graduate Diploma in Education (Sec), a Graduate Certificate in Religious Education, a Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and a Certificate IV in Human Resources.
She is an accredited Change2 facilitator flowing from the work of Dame Pat Collarbone, and has completed Harvard DataWise training. She has undertaken Aboriginal Cultural Understanding & Safety Training with the DET and Contact Officer Training with the Victorian Human Rights Commission. Child Safe Standards are always observed.